Wrap up
Champions play like champions and walk away with the shirts
Sunday night brought crowds (relatively speaking) to Grand Avenue Park to watch Tsunami defend its title against a 909 squad augmented by speed and height.
Both teams got going early. Suzanne delivered for Tsunami, then 909's giant launched a stunning shot from the half line that caught Sammi by surprise and made the score 1-1 where it stuck for many minutes. The teams were not quite evenly matched--Tsunami had the edge on possession, but both teams had strong defenders that thwarted shots and kept the score stuck through halftime.
Early in the second half 909 exploited a breakaway, and one of their players was on a tear towards our goal and ahead of our defense. Sammi challenged, coming out with an expert slide into the ball. Unfortunately it popped up and our defenders did not win in the ensuing scrum: 2-1 909 United. The score was stuck again. Lindsey arrived soon after, and added just the right pizzazz to Tsunami's offense. We were energized, and took many great runs at the 909 goal. Lots of runs down the side followed by crosses and shots....but not goals.
Tsunami persisted, and finally Rachel completed one of these sequences to bring the score back to a tie. Very soon thereafter, Suzanne made a text book shot into the upper left corner of the goal, elevating us to a winning position. Tenacious defense protected our lead and brought the title home to Tsunami once again.
We like winning, but this one was especially sweet as a sendoff to Sammi, who we are going to miss so much. She has kept the balls out of our net:
A net is but string on a pole
'Til balls enter in for a goal
But Sammi--she stops 'em
She flies, dives and blocks them.
Without Sammi the team has a hole.
With Sammi we sat so prettily;
We cast off our basic humility.
Now we'll be humbled
With her off to Humboldt .
Our net just may lose its virginity.